Monday, March 30, 2009

It's on!

Back on the wagon.

I went to Fresh & Easy yesterday and stocked up. No excuses! Good food at work and at home.

Today (so far):

3 egg whites, scrambled with yellow squash, zucchini, tomato and a sprinkling of reduced fat shredded cheese

1 large cup decaffeinated black tea w/ frothed 2% milk


1 cup hot decaffeinated black cherry tea
1 Yoplait light fat free blackberry yogurt w/ fresh blackberries, strawberries and blueberries

On the menu:
Herb Salad w/ lime cilantro chicken breast
Water w/ cherry pomegranate crystal sugar free light mix

Raw almonds
Iced tea, decaffeinated


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Off the wagon

Totally off the wagon.

Cadbury mini eggs.
King Taco.

I'll be back with the progress or lack thereof.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My mantra...

I honor and value my health and my body.

Again, taken from "Yoga Booty Ballet"

...Plan your meals around your daily activity, eating more two to three hours before you work out, and less during periods when you're sedentary. Also avoid eating for three hours before you go to sleep. This rule is espiecially important when trying to lose body fat, as carbs and dietary fats are more readily converted into body fat while you're sleeping.

Eliminating entire food groups from your meals is never a good idea, although mnay trendy diets claim this ithe be-all and ed-all of weight loss. But these exrtreme plans do not teach you a healthful way of eating that will last a lifetime, and often throuw you into that never-ending cycle of losing and gaining weight that so many of experience. Instead, eat a litte bit of everything, eat it slowly, and evjoy every bite.

What will I do to honor and value my body?
  • Be more active
  • Understand what I'm putting into my body
  • Let my body and mind unwind

Friday, March 20, 2009

JMS Friday Thoughts

There is an old saying that immediately came to my mind today when Miss S~DLT sent me a link to a website which will assist me in creating a good stretch sequence for her to follow everyday!! SDLT amazes me with her creativity and knack of always finding exactly what I need! So, as I am helping her along on her path of finding that space between her thighs, she is likewise helping me become better at helping her!!! Lol! Ok, I know the way I’m trying to explain it is a little bit of a twister, so wrap your mind around what I am trying to say by reading the following:

JMS’s mantra of the day: “As iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another...”

SDLT, stay tuned for your stretch sequence and thanks again!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On the right track - JMS

So far, I’m very proud of you! As a general rule of thumb it takes 20 days to create a habit, so you are on the right track. Kicking caffeine is definitely proof that you possess the strength to conquer any obstacle so be encouraged! And 8 lbs is a good start!

An obstacle you may have in your path during week three is feeling like the results you want to see and feel aren’t kicking in fast enough. Remember it took years to gain weight, so it will take some time to lose it! You want to relax your way into this meal plan and learn to love it! Love yourself through the ups and downs and don’t take on too much…. although I don’t necessarily want to hear more about any taco bell occurrences unless you’ve conquered the exercise commitment for at least two weeks! If you feel like you’re struggling by the rules and goals, let me know and we can adjust! You should feel motivated by the goals in front of you, not overwhelmed!

Keep up the fabulous work!

Monday, March 16, 2009

My mantra...

I will joyfully remove obstacles from my path.

Since JMS has been MIA in posting, I had to seek advice elsewhere. A while back (years) I ordered an infomercial workout called "Yoga Booty Ballet" by Beachbody. It comes with a beginner and advanced level, as well as a little booklet with a program to follow.

This mantra comes from them.

...This week, please go easy on yourself as you change these habits. You're trying to establish a healthful routine, not impose a stranglehold on your life. Easing into it by taking baby steps instead of one giant leap is the best way to encourage adherence.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 2 - S~DLT

The second week was a little harder. I gave in and had some Taco Bell with my Grandfather. Bad move.

The Meal-Plan-Gods smoted me. I got food poisoning.

That pretty much threw the rest of the week off - not entirely in a bad way. I didn't stick to the plan, but it was minimal eating; which I know is as bad as eating poorly.

Let's see:
Week 1 = -5 lbs
Week 2 = +2(birthday party) -5 (food poisoning)
Tally = -8

Feeling: Eh. Need to get back on track. Going riding today - I'm hoping to start slow again (10-15 miles)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

1st Full Week -S~DLT

Kid's birthday parties do NOT fit into this equation. I did really well all week (last week) until a certain 1st birthday party. Not too bad overall - 5 lbs down and I FEEL really good. Accomplished.

Oh, and a plus! I kicked the caffeine! Yay!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Phase 1 - The Food

Phase 1: Meal Plan

MORNING (chose one item and also have 1 cup of decaffeinated herbal tea or lemon water)

  • One serving of oatmeal with ½ cup fat free or 2% milk
  • Any type of high fiber cereal that your little heart desires with fat free or 2% milk
  • 1 serving of fat free or low fat Yogurt and 1 piece of fruit (any kind)
  • Egg white omelet (3 or 4 eggs whites) with reduced fat cheese and a choice of vegetable

MID MORNING SNACK (chose one item and also have 1 cup of decaffeinated herbal tea or lemon water)

  • 1 serving fat free or low fat Yogurt
  • Apple (1 large)
  • Apple chips
  • 1 serving string cheese
  • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth (trader Joes has the best or try Lipton’s broth cubes)
  • Carrots (1 cup)
  • Almonds (1 ounce serving. Trader Joes sells these in individual serving packets)
  • Cucumber (unlimited amount anytime)
  • Celery (unlimited amount anytime)
  • Sunflower seeds (1 serving)
  • 1 serving of olives (fresh olives that still have the pit are best)

AFTERNOON (chose one item and also have 1 cup of decaffeinated herbal tea or lemon water)

  • Lean cuisine (any)
  • Salad with chicken breast and oil and vinegar dressing (or balsamic)
    The lettuce part of the salad can be as big as you want. And, you may add carrots, cucumber, or celery. Limit the chicken to 6 ounces or less)

MID AFTERNOON SNACK (chose one item and also have 1 cup of decaffeinated herbal tea or lemon water)

  • 1 serving fat free or low fat Yogurt
  • Apple (1 large)
  • Apple chips (got this idea from you!)
  • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth (trader Joes has the best or try Lipton’s broth cubes)
  • 1 serving string cheese
  • Carrots (1 cup)
  • Almonds (1 ounce serving. Trader Joes sells these in individual serving packets)
  • Cucumber (unlimited amount anytime)
  • Celery (unlimited amount anytime)
  • Sunflower seeds (1 serving)
  • 1 serving of olives (fresh olives that still have the pit are best)

EVENING(chose one item and also have 1 cup of decaffeinated herbal tea or lemon water)

  • Salad with cucumbers, oil and vinegar dressing. Unlimited vegetables (any kind prepared steamed or roasted) and 6-8 ounces of chicken or fish or lean red meat. If you are starving include 1 serving of brown rice. If you need butter use “I can’t believe it’s not butter” spray.
  • Lean cuisine and salad with cucumbers, oil and vinegar dressing.

Ok, so basically, all the words that are underlined are the things you need to buy; they are your shopping list. Again, you may not find that it’s that different from what you have been buying. The big things you will need to avoid are again, fried foods, bread, sugar, salt, caffeine, processed foods. When you buy chicken for your lunches, purchase some that’s already prepared. The meat you purchase for dinner can be prepared by you so you can buy fresh or frozen, you decide. When you buy oatmeal, again purchase the old fashioned oatmeal.

Also, when you eat, eat slowly. Chew each bite 20 + times and enjoy your food and stop immediately as soon as you feel full. I know most people can’t tell when they are full, so basically, you need to pay attention to what your stomach feels like when you are hungry. When you feel your stomach growling, you should eat and as soon as those hunger feelings go away, stop eating, that means you are full. If you are ever full after eating on a few bites of a meal, that’s fine, don’t eat anymore until you feel your tummy growling again. I know it seems silly to explain all this in detail, but most people never figure it out. Most people never learn to listen to their own body so they live in a cycle of being totally famished and then being totally full and feeling gross and they wreck their metabolism as a result. You need to learn to stay somewhere in the middle and find a balance. Eating small meals throughout the day will help you stay energized and will let you remember what it feels like to be hungry. Also, when your stomach growls, try to enjoy the feeling! Think of it as a sign that your metabolism is starting to kick in again. Let yourself be hungry for a five or ten minutes before you eat something. If your stomach is growling your body is metabolizing fat, so it’s a good thing. Feeling hungry is your bodies’ way of telling you that the fire is burning and ready for some fuel. Again, eat until the feeling goes away and stop.
I have you drinking 5 cups of decaffeinated herbal tea so basically you will feel like you’re drinking tea all the time. This is ok because we want you to be relaxed and very hydrated so that your body can metabolize effectively.

Also, since this is a diet, and since you will be abstaining from certain food items, it’s important to do good things and treat yourself well in other areas. You may want to purchase some more good smelling candles and light them often. Also, remember that you “got to love the skin your in”! So, I recommend purchasing a natural loofah or sponge and scrub down every time you take a shower. Start from your hands and slowly work the loofah in a circular path towns your heart. Then do the same in the shower. Start with your feet and work the loofah in circular paths toward your heart until you’re scrubbed your entire body.

When we diet our body will start to detoxify itself and release toxins through our skin and you want to encourage this process. Also, after your shower, use a good natural body lotion all over so invigorate, energize and relax you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Meal Plan Guidelines - JMS

This meal plan was created specifically for S~DLT. She has a certain number of food allergies and then another number of things she doesn't like to eat.

Phase 1: General Guidelines

  1. Never ever skip breakfast… no exceptions!
    1. Even if you’re not hungry! Breakfast is a must lady! You need to eat a meal in the morning to boost your metabolism and start the fire for the day! The goal is to feed your body nutrients that help restore and energize you body so it can perform at its best throughout the day. (See below for phase 1 breakfast choices)
    2. Yes! It’s you’re lucky day because you may now eat any kind of high fiber cereal (aka ‘old lady’ cereal) that your heart desires! Eating a diet high in fiber will help keep you regular, and it will also help prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and also prevent further weight gain!!!
    3. Fiber one is one of my favorite high fiber cereals as it contains only 60 calories for a half cup, 1 g of fat, and 0 g of sugar!
    4. Oatmeal is always a good choice too! Although if you opt for this choose to purchase original flavored oatmeal (old fashioned is best) and not the kind of oatmeal that is flavored. This is a hidden source of sugar, and not necessary.
  2. No sugar
    1. No candy, no cookies, no brownies, and absolutely no red vines!
    2. Even if the candy / dessert claim to be fat free it’s still loaded with sugar, so stay away!
  3. No Salt
    1. Don’t add salt to any food you prepare or that is prepared for you.
  4. No white or refined flour and processed foods
    1. They don’t provide nutrition and will only slow you down.
    2. Do not eat any type of bread during phase 1.
  5. Fill up on fruits and veggies
    1. I know its lame and something we’ve heard our whole lives, but try to stick to eating at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. For example, you can have a banana with your cereal, an apple mid morning, and carrots with your lunch, celery for a mid afternoon snack, and a salad with dinner! Fruits and veggies contain fiber and will help you feel full all day long and will keep your blood sugar level at a constant level.
  6. No fried foods
    1. Hmm... Don’t think I need to explain this one. Just don’t do it!
  7. No potatoes
    1. I don’t need to explain this one either. Although potatoes are not the real enemy and eventually we’ll introduce them back into your diet.
  8. Stay away from caffeine
    1. Caffeine acts as a diuretic and reduces the amount of water in our body and thus prevents our body from metabolizing fat at a high level. Also caffeine puts extra stress on our body and as I explained in the introduction stress plays a huge role in storing fat.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Meal Plan Intro - by JMS

So, before I get into the ‘food’ and ‘meal’ aspect of this plan, I want to make sure you realize that you can follow this plan to a ‘T’, which you will probably do, because you are good at following directions… And you will eventually begin to lose weight because that’s what happens to our bodies when we consistently cut calories. However, if you are looking to gain the highest benefits from this meal plan and achieve long term benefits from it, then you will need to pair it with a consistent exercise program!

I’m totally serious about that!

If you follow this meal plan and do not exercise, your body will continue to get used to eating fewer calories, and therefore you’ll continue to reduce the rate at which your metabolism burns calories! Thus, in the long run, this meal plan will do more harm than it does good because once you stop this plan, you will gain everything back and then some.

Now, when I say you need to exercise, I don’t mean that it has to be intense; it just has to be something. For example; every night when you get home from work, whether it’s hot or cold, rain or shine, go walk around the block 10 times! Make it a habit! Take the dog with you and do this everyday for a month to start with and just focus on creating the habit!

Don’t focus on the weight loss right away and don’t even focus on walking fast or anything like that yet… Just focus on making it happen! Don’t let anything get in the way of these walks! Don’t allow yourself the pleasure of sitting down to watch TV or to read until you first take care of business and take care of you! Also on these walks don’t think about ‘stressful’ things. Don’t think about how many calories you are or are not burning and don’t think about things that are negative, stress you out, or make you worried. Think about positive things and things that make you happy. After a month of walking around the block 10 times, your whole neighborhood will probably start to refer to you as the ‘crazy lady’ who walks around and around and around the block, but give no ear to them my dear as these losers also the same people who will be whistling at you under their breath once you’ve reached your goal!

I will also give you a list of stretches that you will need to do every night before falling asleep. At first the stretching may seem ridiculous and you may feel awkward doing them, but I promise you that if you stick with them you will not only look forward to them but you will see and feel the results. The one thing you don’t want to do while stretching is to think about how much you hate your body! This is the last thing you want to do, and I know it will happen because you’re a woman, and like us all, we tend to find the things we don’t like about ourselves and focus on them. But when you stretch, think about things that make you smile. This is the time to love yourself from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and just relax. The benefits of stretching are many and I have personally experienced them. As you learn to relax and learn how to release tension in your body, your body in turn will begin to allow extra fat in your body to be flushed out. Basically I believe that our body holds onto fat because of stress. When we don’t find a way to release that stress, we stay fat!

Something I’ve witnessed is something we all tend to do as human beings - we tend to set goals for ourselves and never achieve them! We’ll say, I’m going to go to the gym, and we don’t! We’ll say, I’m not going to eat that piece of chocolate, and then we eat it! We say one thing and we do another and therefore we become accustomed to ‘setting ourselves up for failure’. We say, I’m going to stay on this diet even if it kills me, and then we fall off it the first piece of chocolate cake that comes our way! We get in the habit of constantly set goals for ourselves and not achieving them and as a result we get stuck in a cycle of failing. Most of us are creatures of habit and sadly our biggest habit tends to become the ‘habit of failing’. This first month of your ‘mp’ I would like you to focus on reversing the cycle of failure that you’ve experienced through different diets and exercise programs in the past and focus on creating a ‘habit of achieving’. I want you to find success in this meal plan and lose weight and also keep it off, so be prepared to embark on a ‘season of change’.

So, in a nutshell, your first set of goals is as follows:

Walk everyday after work when you get home and focus on creating a habit that leads to success
Stretch every night to help your body relax so it can begin the process of fat flushing
Keep the meal plan to yourself and just smile when a little other people’s comments come around
Don’t focus on food, focus instead on breaking the cycle of failing that might exist in your life

Memorize these goals! There will be a test on them later so I want you to have them memorized. Write them on the tablet of your heart (or in your blackberry) and aspire to achieve them. Once you feel comfortable with these goals and feel you can handle some more, let me know and I’ll send some more your way.

Ok, so you’re probably wondering about that shopping list. I will give you a list of foods you can eat, and a list of foods that you cannot eat and I expect you to stick to it. If you find that you are totally famished at any point or feeling like you need me to switch things up at any point, then feel free to call me or text me at anytime. So, that’s it lady! When you’re done reading this and can make a commitment to yourself to follow the first set of goals, let me know and I will send you the shopping list!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

On your mark, get set.....

I have my meal plan, I have gone to the grocery store, my will is ready, my mind is ready. Tomorrow - Day 1!
Skinny Dipping. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino