Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 2 - S~DLT

The second week was a little harder. I gave in and had some Taco Bell with my Grandfather. Bad move.

The Meal-Plan-Gods smoted me. I got food poisoning.

That pretty much threw the rest of the week off - not entirely in a bad way. I didn't stick to the plan, but it was minimal eating; which I know is as bad as eating poorly.

Let's see:
Week 1 = -5 lbs
Week 2 = +2(birthday party) -5 (food poisoning)
Tally = -8

Feeling: Eh. Need to get back on track. Going riding today - I'm hoping to start slow again (10-15 miles)


addy said...

I think that I might just do the meal plan M-Th, and then try to not eat horribly F-Sun. Because I can't seem to stick to anything on the weekends!

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