Again, taken from "Yoga Booty Ballet"
...Plan your meals around your daily activity, eating more two to three hours before you work out, and less during periods when you're sedentary. Also avoid eating for three hours before you go to sleep. This rule is espiecially important when trying to lose body fat, as carbs and dietary fats are more readily converted into body fat while you're sleeping.
Eliminating entire food groups from your meals is never a good idea, although mnay trendy diets claim this ithe be-all and ed-all of weight loss. But these exrtreme plans do not teach you a healthful way of eating that will last a lifetime, and often throuw you into that never-ending cycle of losing and gaining weight that so many of experience. Instead, eat a litte bit of everything, eat it slowly, and evjoy every bite.
What will I do to honor and value my body?
- Be more active
- Understand what I'm putting into my body
- Let my body and mind unwind
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