Monday, March 9, 2009

Meal Plan Guidelines - JMS

This meal plan was created specifically for S~DLT. She has a certain number of food allergies and then another number of things she doesn't like to eat.

Phase 1: General Guidelines

  1. Never ever skip breakfast… no exceptions!
    1. Even if you’re not hungry! Breakfast is a must lady! You need to eat a meal in the morning to boost your metabolism and start the fire for the day! The goal is to feed your body nutrients that help restore and energize you body so it can perform at its best throughout the day. (See below for phase 1 breakfast choices)
    2. Yes! It’s you’re lucky day because you may now eat any kind of high fiber cereal (aka ‘old lady’ cereal) that your heart desires! Eating a diet high in fiber will help keep you regular, and it will also help prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and also prevent further weight gain!!!
    3. Fiber one is one of my favorite high fiber cereals as it contains only 60 calories for a half cup, 1 g of fat, and 0 g of sugar!
    4. Oatmeal is always a good choice too! Although if you opt for this choose to purchase original flavored oatmeal (old fashioned is best) and not the kind of oatmeal that is flavored. This is a hidden source of sugar, and not necessary.
  2. No sugar
    1. No candy, no cookies, no brownies, and absolutely no red vines!
    2. Even if the candy / dessert claim to be fat free it’s still loaded with sugar, so stay away!
  3. No Salt
    1. Don’t add salt to any food you prepare or that is prepared for you.
  4. No white or refined flour and processed foods
    1. They don’t provide nutrition and will only slow you down.
    2. Do not eat any type of bread during phase 1.
  5. Fill up on fruits and veggies
    1. I know its lame and something we’ve heard our whole lives, but try to stick to eating at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. For example, you can have a banana with your cereal, an apple mid morning, and carrots with your lunch, celery for a mid afternoon snack, and a salad with dinner! Fruits and veggies contain fiber and will help you feel full all day long and will keep your blood sugar level at a constant level.
  6. No fried foods
    1. Hmm... Don’t think I need to explain this one. Just don’t do it!
  7. No potatoes
    1. I don’t need to explain this one either. Although potatoes are not the real enemy and eventually we’ll introduce them back into your diet.
  8. Stay away from caffeine
    1. Caffeine acts as a diuretic and reduces the amount of water in our body and thus prevents our body from metabolizing fat at a high level. Also caffeine puts extra stress on our body and as I explained in the introduction stress plays a huge role in storing fat.


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