Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hey You...

Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?*

Oh how I've neglected you.

I'm back, and there's been progress. Lots of progress!

The space between my thighs, umm, is still not there. I'm working on it. Everyday.

One word. Bootcamp.

Stay tuned!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

This poor blog has been hanging on - dangling out there in the wind. Well, guess what people?

I'm BAAACCCCKKKK! In a big way. Ha! Total pun intended. Not only did I not lose the weight intended when I first started this blog, I probably gained some and then most recently lost a smidge. Enough to make the cringe not so cringeworthy. I have a long way to go and I want to do it.

I'm in such a different place in my life and I am ready to make some changes. I mean, everything else has changed (you can read about it on A Dog-Eared Life) why not make one more adjustment for the better.

I'll give you a little more detail on the plans in the next post! Stay tuned, because I'm still searching for that space between my thighs.

Monday, March 30, 2009

It's on!

Back on the wagon.

I went to Fresh & Easy yesterday and stocked up. No excuses! Good food at work and at home.

Today (so far):

3 egg whites, scrambled with yellow squash, zucchini, tomato and a sprinkling of reduced fat shredded cheese

1 large cup decaffeinated black tea w/ frothed 2% milk


1 cup hot decaffeinated black cherry tea
1 Yoplait light fat free blackberry yogurt w/ fresh blackberries, strawberries and blueberries

On the menu:
Herb Salad w/ lime cilantro chicken breast
Water w/ cherry pomegranate crystal sugar free light mix

Raw almonds
Iced tea, decaffeinated


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Off the wagon

Totally off the wagon.

Cadbury mini eggs.
King Taco.

I'll be back with the progress or lack thereof.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My mantra...

I honor and value my health and my body.

Again, taken from "Yoga Booty Ballet"

...Plan your meals around your daily activity, eating more two to three hours before you work out, and less during periods when you're sedentary. Also avoid eating for three hours before you go to sleep. This rule is espiecially important when trying to lose body fat, as carbs and dietary fats are more readily converted into body fat while you're sleeping.

Eliminating entire food groups from your meals is never a good idea, although mnay trendy diets claim this ithe be-all and ed-all of weight loss. But these exrtreme plans do not teach you a healthful way of eating that will last a lifetime, and often throuw you into that never-ending cycle of losing and gaining weight that so many of experience. Instead, eat a litte bit of everything, eat it slowly, and evjoy every bite.

What will I do to honor and value my body?
  • Be more active
  • Understand what I'm putting into my body
  • Let my body and mind unwind

Friday, March 20, 2009

JMS Friday Thoughts

There is an old saying that immediately came to my mind today when Miss S~DLT sent me a link to a website which will assist me in creating a good stretch sequence for her to follow everyday!! SDLT amazes me with her creativity and knack of always finding exactly what I need! So, as I am helping her along on her path of finding that space between her thighs, she is likewise helping me become better at helping her!!! Lol! Ok, I know the way I’m trying to explain it is a little bit of a twister, so wrap your mind around what I am trying to say by reading the following:

JMS’s mantra of the day: “As iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another...”

SDLT, stay tuned for your stretch sequence and thanks again!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On the right track - JMS

So far, I’m very proud of you! As a general rule of thumb it takes 20 days to create a habit, so you are on the right track. Kicking caffeine is definitely proof that you possess the strength to conquer any obstacle so be encouraged! And 8 lbs is a good start!

An obstacle you may have in your path during week three is feeling like the results you want to see and feel aren’t kicking in fast enough. Remember it took years to gain weight, so it will take some time to lose it! You want to relax your way into this meal plan and learn to love it! Love yourself through the ups and downs and don’t take on too much…. although I don’t necessarily want to hear more about any taco bell occurrences unless you’ve conquered the exercise commitment for at least two weeks! If you feel like you’re struggling by the rules and goals, let me know and we can adjust! You should feel motivated by the goals in front of you, not overwhelmed!

Keep up the fabulous work!
Skinny Dipping. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino