Friday, February 27, 2009

Love the skin you're in*

As I throw myself full force into my new lifestyle, I am reminded of extremes. I want to go on the record as saying:
I am doing this for my health
I am doing this for my future
I don't want to be skinny (despite the blog title)
I want to look good in my clothes
I want to be an example for my niece
I want to be the catalyst for my family and friends, so they will know they can do it too.

I need to remind myself and those around me that "perfection" cannot be attained. I most likely will not be the size I was in high school. I believe it when I say real women have curves; I just want to have less of them.

I know I can't be happy starving myself, working out until it becomes a chore, not chewing things, I know I won't do it. I am going into this with a healthy perception of what I am going to get out of it. I know I am ONLY going to get out of it what I put into it.

*Dove tagline


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